Health Safety and Environment
Safety first, and always
With safety the highest priority at AGIG, we are continually striving to achieve Zero Harm. We believe that all incidents are preventable, and so we continually review our work practices and monitor our performance to ensure the ongoing safety of our employees, customers and the public.
To achieve Zero Harm, we work to:
- Maintain public safety through safe pipeline operations
- Provide a safe and healthy workplace, free of occupational injuries and illness
- Create a culture and environment where every employee is personally committed to managing health and safety
- Act consistently with AGIG’s values, including working in a safe and professional manner
We maintain a strong, focused safety culture that reinforces and strengthens the business. Comprehensive policies, procedures and training support a Zero Harm work environment.
Learn more about our approach to Zero Harm:
The Environment
AGIG recognises its responsibility to conduct business in a way that protects and improves the state of the environment for future generations. We understand that the long-term well-being of society, the well-being of employees and the strength of our business depends on our commitment to a sustainable environment.
AGIG is committed to working with relevant regulators and community stakeholders to ensure that its activities are conducted in a manner that minimises environmental impacts to as low as reasonably practicable. This includes operating in a manner that promotes energy and materials conservation, as well as waste reduction.
For a number of years, AGIG has been working in conjunction with Landcare to support a range of environmental projects. This has included delivering trapping and baiting supplies to the Yaburara and Coastal Mardudhunera Aboriginal Corporation (YACMAC) to eradicate feral cats in the Fortescue River Mouth region and ultimately relieve the threat of predation on nesting turtles and threatened Northern Quolls in the area. Additional support has been provided through similar projects across WA in the Mid West, Wheatbelt and Peel regions to assist local landholder groups.
Environmental Documents:
Kemerton Lateral Gas Pipeline (MS704) Documents:
DBNGP South Looping Project Loop 10 (MS708) Documents:
Northern Looping Project, Loops 1 To 9 (MS710) Documents:
Stage 5 Expansion (MS735) Documents:
- E-REP-083 MS735 DBNGP Stage 5 2022-2023 Annual Compliance Report
- E-REP-067 MS735 DBNGP Stage 5 2021-2022 Annual Compliance Report
- E-REP-197 MS735 DBNGP Stage 5_5-year Performance Review Report (2017-2022)
- E-REP-020 MS735 DBNGP Stage 5_5-year Performance Review Report (2012-2017)
- E-REP-196 MS735 DBNGP Stage 5_5-year Performance Review Report (2007-2012)
- E-PLN-016 DBNGP Stage 5 Expansion - Rehabilitation Management Plan
- E-PLN-015 DBNGP Stage 5B Expansion - Construction Environmental Management Plan
Pluto Northwest Shelf Interconnector Pipeline
(MS1117) Documents:
- E-PLN-066 PNI MS1117 Compliance Assessment Plan
- Pluto – NWS Interconnector Pipeline Project Cultural Heritage Management Plan
- E-PLN-065 Pluto-North West Shelf Interconnector Construction Environmental Management Plan
- E-REP-198 PNI MS1117 Annual Compliance Assessment Report 2023
- E-REP-082 PNI MS1117 Annual Compliance Assessment Report 2022
- E-REP-062 PNI MS1117 Annual Compliance Assessment Report 2021
- E-REP-054 PNI MS1117 Annual Compliance Assessment Report 2020
- E-STU-080 Burrup - Pluto-NWS Interconnector Targeted Flora and Vegetation Survey
- E-STU-079 DDG Burrup Interconnector Pipeline Flora & Fauna Survey 2018
Tanami Gas Pipeline
Environmental Documents:
- E-REP-089 Tanami Annual Compliance Report EPBC 2017-7997 (2023-2024)
- E-STU-065 Tanami Rehabilitation Monitoring Report 2024
- E-REP-199 Tanami Annual Compliance Report EPBC 2017-7997 (2022-2023)
- E-REP-069 Tanami Annual Compliance Report EPBC 2017-7997 (2021-2022)
- E-REP-059 Tanami Annual Compliance Report EPBC 2017-7997 (2020-2021)
- E-STU-083 Tanami Gas Pipeline Rehabilitation Monitoring 2023
- E-STU-082 Tanami Gas Pipeline Rehabilitation Monitoring 2022
- E-STU-065 Tanami Gas Pipeline Rehabilitation Monitoring 2021
- E-REP-047 Tanami Annual Compliance Report EPBC 2017-7997 (2019-2020)
- E-PLN-026 Tanami EPBC 2017/7997 Construction Environmental Management Plan
- E-PRO-023 Tanami Gas Pipeline: Trench Clearing Procedure
- E-PLN-067 Tanami Night Parrot Management Plan
- E-PLN-027 Tanami Rehabilitation Plan
- E-REP-035 Tanami Annual Compliance Report EPBC 2017-7997 (2019-2020)
- E-STU-081 Tanami Survey for Night Parrots Habitat Assessment and Acoustic Survey 2018
- E-STU-058 Tanami Gas Pipeline Rehabilitation Monitoring 2020
Tubridgi Gas Storage
Environmental Document:
2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG) has released its 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report, detailing performance and achievements for 2023 and outlining progress towards our longer-term ESG targets.
This release follows AGIG's inaugural 2021 report and subsequent 2022 report and reflects our ongoing maturity to ESG over these three years. This year's report focuses on AGIG's commitment to improving long-term impacts to the environment in the interests of its customers, community and employees while delivering best-practice performance as one of Australia’s largest gas infrastructure businesses.
Climate Change Statement
The science of climate change is well accepted and shows that greenhouse gases are increasing, leading to rising temperatures across the globe. We are responding by taking active steps towards sustainable gas delivery today and for tomorrow.
As a business, we are committed to deliver on our Low Carbon Vision and help meet Australia’s emission reduction commitments to achieve net zero.
Our commitment to The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
AGIG has identified these UN SDGs that we consider most relevant to our business.

Gender Equality
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
- We will target 40% female representation in our workforce by end-2027
- We will target 40% female representation in our senior leader’s category by end-2030
- We will conduct gender pay gap analysis by end-2024
We are committed to equity through providing all people equal opportunities to reach their potential.

Affordable and Clean Energy
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.
- We seek to balance consumer priorities including safety, affordability, stability and reliability in delivery of our services
- We will support customers in vulnerable circumstances
- We will invest in significant new renewable gas projects for supply to our customers
- We will set interim Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions reduction targets for our operations by end-2023
- We aim to reduce our Scope 1 and 2 emissions across all AGIG assets by 30% by end-2030 (from a financial
year 2020 baseline)2 - We will undertake a materiality assessment on our Scope 3 emissions to enable us to set a reporting target by end-2024
We’re making good progress to deliver emissions reductions, but there’s more to be done. Our focus remains on contributing to energy security and ensuring costs remain as low as possible.

Decent Work and Economic Growth
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
- We will provide energy safely, sustainably and reliably
- We will maintain the health and safety of our employees and contractors
- We will identify and collect, desired metric and data collection methods to measure workforce age, gender, pay equity, First Nations people and ethnic diversity in 2023
- We will develop a Diversity and Inclusion Program to support our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policy and plan and support a more inclusive workplace by end-2024
- We will develop a Graduate Program by end-2025
- We will deliver on commitments made in our Modern Slavery Statement

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation.
- We will respond to more than 95% of network leaks within the timeframes set by regulator
- We will improve reliability, reduce emissions and future proof our distribution networks by replacing low pressure and earliest generation polyethylene pipes
- We will work with stakeholders to demonstrate 100% hydrogen domestic appliances in a typical “at home” setting to help them understand how they might use hydrogen in the future.
- We will promote knowledge sharing and partnerships across the renewable energy sector

Sustainable Cities and Communities
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.
- We will develop and implement a Reconciliation Action Plan
- We will implement and track our first RAP with an aim to progress to an “Innovate” RAP by end-2025
- We will invest in the community through our Community Partnerships Program (CPP)
- We will track and improve employee uptake of the AGIG Volunteer Program
- We will review our environmental footprint with a view to setting biodiversity targets by end-2025
As a leader in the Australian energy sector, we have a responsibility to contribute to better cities for our customers and to support the local communities we serve.

Responsible Consumption and Production
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
- We will target no Tier 1 and 2 odorant release events (as defined in process safety definitions)
- We will deliver on our Sustainable Procurement Statement
- We will include assessment of ESG criteria as part of our procurement processes by end of 2024
- We will identify and collect data on types of waste across all businesses by end-2024 (This target has been reworded from 2022 to increase transparency on key deliverables.)
AGIG recognises its responsibilities to conduct business in a way that protects and improves the state of the environment for future generations.

Climate Action
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
- We will target 10% renewable gas in our distribution networks by 2030
- We will target 100% renewable gas in distribution networks by 2050 at the latest and 2040 as a stretch
- We will target net zero emissions from our transmission and midstream assets by 2050 at the latest
- We will adopt the recommendations on climate-related financial disclosures by end-20244
Climate Change is not a journey for AGIG alone. The impacts are collective and across a multitude of value chains.
1 With the maturation of our ESG reporting, this target will be removed in 2024 and delivered as business-as-usual operations. Consistent with our Materiality Assessment (page 18) this approach allows us to focus on areas where we can have the most influence.
2 To achieve this reduction, we will invest in initiatives that decarbonise our operations, offset emissions by purchasing high-quality carbon credits (such as Australian Carbon Credit Units, ACCUs) and ensure legislative compliance through participation in carbon credit markets for Safeguard Mechanism Credits (as applicable). AGIG will ensure that facilities covered by the Safeguard Mechanism comply with emissions reduction targets in accordance with that scheme.
3 With the maturation of our ESG reporting, this target will be removed in 2024 and delivered as business-as-usual operations. Consistent with our Materiality Assessment (page 18) this approach allows us to focus on areas where we can have the most influence.
4 Note this target has been reworded to reflect the disbandment of the TCFD Framework ahead of the adoption of the relevant AASB standards. The intent of the target remains consistent with the previous wording which was: We will adopt the recommendations of the TCFD by the end-2024, but is now more generic to also consider ASSB.